2013년 2월 7일 목요일

Katarina, the Sinister Blade - Season 3

Story of Katarina




Giving more points are not recommended for Katarina unless you are going little Tanky Katarina.
Lets go standard Mid masteries 21-9-0

Sometimes, you can go 14-15-1 or 15-14-1 depending on your taste and enemy's champ type.
For example:

Summoner Spells

However, Cleanse can be used when enemy teams got champs such as Fiddlesticks or Cho'Gath.
Also, Teleport can be used for strong ganking. It's been used frequently even in tournaments. In other hand, it sometimes is very useful when enemy teams have champs like Shen, Twisted Fate, or Nocturne.


Passive: Voracity
- Champion kills or assists reduce Katarina's cooldown by 15 seconds.

Bouncing Blades
- Katarina throws a dagger that bounces from enemy to enemy, dealing magic damage 60/95/130/165/200 (+0.45AP) and marking them. Her next spell or basic attack against a marked target will consume the mark and deal additional magic damage 15/30/45/60/75 (+0.15AP).

Sinister Steel
- Katarina whirls her daggers around her, dealing magic damage 40/75/110/145/180 (+0.5AD)(+0.25AP) to all enemies in the area. If she hits an enemy Champion, Katarina gains a burst of speed for a short duration by 15/20/25/30/35%.

- Katarina instantly moves to her target's location and takes reduced damage from enemies for a few seconds. If the target is an enemy, she deals damage 60/85/110/135/160 (+0.5AP).

Death Lotus
- Katarina becomes a flurry of blades, throwing daggers with unrivaled speed at up to three nearby Champions. Daggers deal magic damage (400/500/600(+3.0AD)(+2AP) within 2 seconds) and reduce incoming healing on targets hit.

Skill Build

For me, I usually learn more Q in the beginning (before 7) because it let you farm safer. Also, it's good to deal damage the enemy inside their tower. Then, after 7, I start building W skills. But as I said every time, skill build depends on your experience or enemy's champ type.

Skill tips.

**Smart Cast is recommended for Katarina.
- Using ward for shunpo is essential skill that you want to practice.
  - For example, Lee Sin also use ward to move better.
  - Place a Ward near you and use Shunpo to the Ward.
  - Even it isn't as fast as Flash, but the range is longer.
  - Also, I always buy Ward Stone because you won't have to buy Ward all the time and squander Gold.
- Katarina's ult doesn't show your location to other player, which means if you use ult in bush, they won't see you.


Start Item:

Core Item:

Final Item:

Item Build:

Item Tip.
- Before coming back to home, not only calculate Gold for items but also calculate Gold for portions and Wards.
- In the beginning , Ward isn't for Shunpo but it's more for prevent ganking.
- When playing with Evlynn, Akali, Shaco, or Twitch, buy Vision Ward often.

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