2013년 2월 8일 금요일

Ezreal, the Prodigal Explorer - Season 3

Story of Ezreal



At Season 3, there is no Lifesteal 3% in Masteries anymore. In this situation, adding Lifesteal Runes would help a lot for farming and dealing.


Ezreal also has huge damage on AP. We wouldn't want to give up the Magic Penetration.
Also, 3 points at Perseverance take role as portion.
4 points at Utility is always needed for Ezreal due to huge lack of Mana all the time.

Summoner Spells

Combination of Ezreal's Arcane Shift skill and Flash let you move large distance.


Passive: Rising Spell Force
- Hitting a target with any of Ezreal's abilities increases his Attack Speed by 10% for 6 seconds (effect stacks up to 5 times).

Mystic Shot
- Ezreal fires a bolt of energy 35/55/75/95/115 (+1DMG) (+0.2AP) which reduces all of his cooldowns by 1 second if it strikes an enemy unit.

Essence Flux
- Ezreal fires a fluctuating wave of energy, dealing magic damage 70/115/160/205/250 (+0.8AP) to enemy champions, while increasing the Attack Speed of allied champions.

Arcane Shift
- Ezreal teleports to a target nearby location and fires a homing bolt 75/125/175/225/275 (+0.75AP) which strikes the nearest enemy ult.

Tureshot Barrage
- Ezreal channels for 1 second to fire a powerful barrage of energy missiles which do massive damage 350/500/650 (+1DMG) (+0.9AP) to each unit they pass through (deals 8% less damage to each unit it passes through).

Skill Build

Skill Tips.
- Q is the most important skill to Ezreal. Good Ezreal player can be determined depending on how well you successfully deal Q skill to enemy. In lane, the easiest way to deal Q is when enemy is hidden behind minion, killing the minion and performing Q should be performed instantly.
- E is the most survival skill of all adc skills. Sometimes, you really feel like to use E-Q-W combo, but you REALLY want to make sure to kill the enemy. When E is performed to front for dealing, there would be no survival skills left.
- R skills can be used in multiple ways such as sniping, lane managing, and dealing. When sniping, you want to predict your enemy's path way. R can be used more successfully when used in bush or corners.
- After using skills be sure to use Q frequently because Q reduces cooldowns for all skills.


Start Item:
Because there is a Rune for Lifesteal, I chose not to get portions.

Core Item:

Final Item:

Item Build:

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