Story of Galio
Unlike other mid champs, Galio goes all runes by Magic Resist. At level 1, Galio gets 56 Magic Resist. However, according to Passive (See Below), Galio gets about 23 ability power at the same time due to high Magic Resist rate.
As a result, early dealing with enemy will be always stay stronger.
Also, it's sometimes recommended to put Movement Speed for Quintessence runes (the last rune with x3) when you stand against champs like Ahri or junglers like Lee.
Masteries for Galio is little special than other champs.
Galio is strong enough that 9 Offense points are quiet working well. At the same time, Galio is tanky enough that you wouldn't have to spend all the points for the Defense part. And there is another simple reason that Galio doesn't give full credit at Defense and give it to Utility.
To Galio, Flash is ABSOLUTELY needed either early, middle, or late games than any other champs.
Flash is needed to be prepared for early gank.
Flash is needed to win the roaming or dragon fight in the middle game.
Summoner Spells
As I mentioned earlier, Flash is the MOST important spell for Galio.
Sometimes, Teleport is also used to roam other lane more efficiently.
Passive: Runic Skin
- Galio converts 50% of his total Magic Resistance into Ability Power.
- If someone ask me why I play Galio, I would say I just love his Passive.
It enables Galio to be very tanky and strong. Especially when there are many AP dealers on enemy's team, Galio can more focus on Magic Resistance.
Resolute Smite
- Galio fires a concussive blast from his eyes, slowing 24/28/32/36/40% for 2.5s and dealing damage 80/135/190/245/300 (+0.7AP) to enemies caught near the impact point.
- Galio shields an ally Champion for 4 seconds, increasing their Armor and Magic Resistance 30/45/60/75/90, and restoring Galio's health 25/40/55/70/85 (0.3AP) each time that Champion suffers damage.
Righteous Gust
- Galio claps his wings, unleashing a gust of concussive wind that damages enemies 60/105/150/195/240 (+0.5AP) and leaves a directional draft in its wake that increases ally movement speed by 20/28/36/44/52%.
Idol of Durand
- Galio assumes a form of a statue, taunting nearby enemies and storing concussive energy as they attack him. Galio then bursts from his statue shell, releasing the stored energy to damage surrounding foes 220/330/440 (0.6AP).
Skill Build
Mastering Q is absolutely right. Q's dealing and slow effect is needed for every situation to Galio.
Mastering W after Q is recommended. Due to Passive, 50% of Magic Resist will be added as Ability Power. Perform W to increase Magic Resist and deal with Q.
Start Item:
Core Item:
Final Item:
Item Build:
Item build above is only a recommended one. Item build always changes depending on your enemies or your team members. If our teams are not tanky enough, start building more focusing on Armors and Magic Resist. If our teams are tanky enough, lets start building more focused on Ability Power. In both ways, you will end up with huge Ability Power due to Passive.
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