2013년 2월 7일 목요일

Diana, Scorn of the Moon - Season 3

Story of Diana



Diana usually get cs (minion kills) by basic melee attack which might be hard for ganking and etc. It can be easier to farm with Armor Runes. Especially when their jungler is Lee, I strongly recommend to follow with this runes.


Summoner Spells

You are Mid...


Passive: Moonsilver Blade
- Gains Attack Speed 20%. Every third strike cleaves nearby enemies for additional magic damage 20/25/30/40/50/65/80/95/110/125/140/155/175/195/215/240/265/290 (+0.6AP).

Crescent Strike
- Diana swings her blade to unleash a bolt of lunar energy that deals damage 60/95/130/165/200 (+0.7AP) in an arc before exploding. Afflicts enemies struck with the Moonlight debuff, revealing them for 3 seconds.

Pale Cascade
- Diana creates three orbiting spheres that detonate on contact with enemies to deal damage in an area 20/35/50/65/80 (+0.2AP). She also gains a temporary shield that absorbs damage 55/80/105/130/155 (+0.4AP). This shield is refreshed if her third sphere detonates.

- Diana draws in an slow all nearby enemies by 35/40/45/50/55% for 2 seconds.

Lunar Rush
- Diana teleports to an enemy and deals magic damage. Lunar Rush has no cooldown when used to teleport to a target afflicted with Moonlight.
- Becomes the living embodiment of the vengeful moon, teleporting to an enemy and dealing 100/160/220 (+0.6AP) magic damage.

Skill Build:
There are too many builds available for Diana.
The one I use is to Master R-Q-W-E.


Start Item:


Movement speed is already added by Runes.
I recommend to start with the first Start Item.

Item Build:

Item Build Tip.
- Unless you are beating your enemy very very super hard, I always recommend to start build Armor or MR items first.

Additional Diana Tips.
- Until you reach level 4, DO NOT learn any skills except Q. You either have to learn W or E depending on your jungler's gank. You won't know what skill will be needed.
- Until level 6 and learn ult, just stay back all the time and get cs(minions) with Q and basic attack.

Mid player Tips when your lane is fully pushed.
1. Dirty Farming (getting wolves or ghost)(jungling)
2. Keep pressing your lane and destroy tower (you might really want to check all the locations of enemies and jungler to prevent ganking)
3. Roaming
- Always think and calculate which of three would be the most efficient.
  - For assassin champs, Roaming>>Keep pressing lane>>Dirty Farming

Before Game Tips for Diana.
- Try to ben Swain, Orianna, or Ryze.
- I would dodge the game if there is one of them.

For Video Guides and Teaching for Diana, click!!

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