2013년 2월 6일 수요일

Garen, The Might of Demacia - Season 3

The Story of Garen



In Season 3, early dealing (before 10) became really important. So I think it would be more important to maximize dealing damage in the beginning with runes set up like this.
Top lane is where a lonely fights are going on which means you will have to fight on your own. Depending on how strongly and wisely you fight, there will be huge cs (number on minions you killed) number difference between you and your enemy. It doesn't matter you kill your enemy or not. You want to have more cs and build your items faster than your enemy on your lane.


Before, in Season 2, 21 on Offense and 9 on Defense seemed to be the right one. However, Season 3 had introduced lots of changes on Defense.
Tip. - There is no right answer for Masteries. It really depend on your taste and your experience. If you still like the Offense 21 and Defense 9, it's totally fine.
Reflecting on my experience, Defense based Masteries made me get more cs (or the number of minions you killed) because there are huge armors which protects you from dealings while taking your cs. Sometimes, there are adc champs coming top such as Teemo, Vladmir, etc. You will get hit every time you are trying to get cs. Defense based Masteries type really helps you from that.

Summoner Spells

Always recommended.

Sometimes, Teleport can be used for backdoor and ganking. However, I really recommend Flash and Ignite.


Passive: Perseverance
- If Garen has not been struck by damage or enemy abilities for the last 10 seconds, Garen regenerates 0.5% of his maximum Health each second. Minion damage does not stop Perseverance.

Decisive Strike
- Garen gains a burst of Movement Speed 1.5/2.25/3/3.75/4.5s for 35%, breaking free of all slows affecting him and his next attack strikes a vital area of his foe, dealing bonus damage 30/55/80/105/130 (+1.4AD) and silencing them for 1.5/1.75/2/2.25/2.5s.
- It can be used in two ways. You can use to run away from the enemy since it give high Movement Speed. It can be also used to attack when your enemy comes to take cs.

- Garen passively increases his Armor and Magic Resist by 20%. He may also activate this ability to grant himself a shield that reduces incoming damage 30% and crowd control effects for a short duration 30%.

- Garen performs a dance of death with his sword, dealing damage 20/40/70/95/120 (+0.7/0.8/0.9/1/1.1AD) per second around him for the duration.

Demacian Justice
- Garen calls upon the might of Demacia to deal a finishing blow to an enemy champion that deals damage 175/350/525 based upon how much Health (1 damage per 3.5/3/2.5 HP) his target has missing.

Skill Build (Normal Skill Build)

There are two possible skill builds. You will either master Q or E first. When you master Q first, there would be better chance to kill your enemy. When you master E first, you won't be having hard time taking cs. If you are familiar with taking cs, I recommend you master Q first. If you are having hard time taking cs (minions), I recommend you master E first.


Start Item:

Most people don't know that you can get 4 red portions. After buying three portions and one shoes, you will have 25 gold. Wait until you have 35 gold and get one more. Buy the time you reach top, it is the right time.
However, if your need leash, I don't recommend it. Go leash for him!

Core Item:

You are playing solo top. BUY WARD. Be prepared for ganking.

Final Item:

Item Build:

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