2013년 2월 8일 금요일

Amumu, the Sad Mummy - Video Guide!!

For text version guides and information for Amumu, click!!

Diana, Scorn of the Moon - Video Guide!!

For text version guides and information for Diana, click!!

Darius, the Hand of Noxus - Video Guide!!

For text version guides and information for Darius, click!!

Galio, the Sentinel's Sorrow - Video Guide!!

For text version guides and information for Galio, click!!

Gragas, the Rabble Rouser - Video Guide!!

For text version guides and information for Gragas, click!!

Gangplank, the Saltwater Scourge - Video Guide!!

For text version guides and information for Gangplank, click!!

Garen, the Might of Demacia - Video Guide!!

For text version guides and information about Garen, click!!

Graves, the Outlaw - Video Guide!!

For text version guides and information about Graves, click!!

Ezreal, the Prodigal Explorer - Season 3

Story of Ezreal



At Season 3, there is no Lifesteal 3% in Masteries anymore. In this situation, adding Lifesteal Runes would help a lot for farming and dealing.


Ezreal also has huge damage on AP. We wouldn't want to give up the Magic Penetration.
Also, 3 points at Perseverance take role as portion.
4 points at Utility is always needed for Ezreal due to huge lack of Mana all the time.

Summoner Spells

Combination of Ezreal's Arcane Shift skill and Flash let you move large distance.


Passive: Rising Spell Force
- Hitting a target with any of Ezreal's abilities increases his Attack Speed by 10% for 6 seconds (effect stacks up to 5 times).

Mystic Shot
- Ezreal fires a bolt of energy 35/55/75/95/115 (+1DMG) (+0.2AP) which reduces all of his cooldowns by 1 second if it strikes an enemy unit.

Essence Flux
- Ezreal fires a fluctuating wave of energy, dealing magic damage 70/115/160/205/250 (+0.8AP) to enemy champions, while increasing the Attack Speed of allied champions.

Arcane Shift
- Ezreal teleports to a target nearby location and fires a homing bolt 75/125/175/225/275 (+0.75AP) which strikes the nearest enemy ult.

Tureshot Barrage
- Ezreal channels for 1 second to fire a powerful barrage of energy missiles which do massive damage 350/500/650 (+1DMG) (+0.9AP) to each unit they pass through (deals 8% less damage to each unit it passes through).

Skill Build

Skill Tips.
- Q is the most important skill to Ezreal. Good Ezreal player can be determined depending on how well you successfully deal Q skill to enemy. In lane, the easiest way to deal Q is when enemy is hidden behind minion, killing the minion and performing Q should be performed instantly.
- E is the most survival skill of all adc skills. Sometimes, you really feel like to use E-Q-W combo, but you REALLY want to make sure to kill the enemy. When E is performed to front for dealing, there would be no survival skills left.
- R skills can be used in multiple ways such as sniping, lane managing, and dealing. When sniping, you want to predict your enemy's path way. R can be used more successfully when used in bush or corners.
- After using skills be sure to use Q frequently because Q reduces cooldowns for all skills.


Start Item:
Because there is a Rune for Lifesteal, I chose not to get portions.

Core Item:

Final Item:

Item Build:

2013년 2월 7일 목요일

Pro Player Pick: Rapidstar Picks Lux

Welcome to this week's Pro Player Pick, where we feature one of the best League of Legends players discussing his champion of choice.

In this edition, Rapidstar charges up Lux. Playing mid for CJ Entus Frost, he loves the long-range poke and quick cooldowns that the Lady of Luminosity offers. One of the most potent backline champions, Lux can Force Enemies to keep their distance, and then move in to engage with a quick Light Binding into Lucent Singularity combination.

Check out the video above to find out why Rapidstar loves shooting lasers in this edition of the Pro Player Pick!

Champion & Skin Sale: More Legitimate Business

Ooooooh, you won't believe the mess that I gotta clean up, friends. Looks like you're on my list of folks I get to learn on when I needs a favor. Gangster Twitch here, see, and I got lotsa bones to pick with lotsa champions. You're up for helpin' me out, right? This here tommy gun sure thinks so...

- I may be the king of the ambush, but you've never met Nocturne. Chump thinks he can get the drop on my guys cuz he sneaks around in the darkness. But guess what don't need to see inna dark to put some holes in dat shadowy shadowy scumbag? My Spray and Pray! 440 RP
- The Twitch family's been using Zyra's flower shop as a front for some of our less-than-legitimate business ventures. Some of the family's more obnoxious enemies roughed up the joint, so we're gonna rough 'em up right back. 487 RP
- You think I'm a little rat bastard? Veigar's been dropping dark matter on our operation for years. We've finally found that little bazooli slinkin' around the Zaun docks. He ain't gettin' away this time. 292 RP

- Oh, you a wise guy, huh? Throwing on a fake beard and callin' yourself Veigar Greybeard. You still got Veigar in the name, you fulzamarool. Let's go see a guy about some concrete shoes. 487 RP
- Ironscale Shyvana is the main cause of my business' little snafus lately, burning up my fine downtown establishments. Takes alotta bullets to get through that armor. Good thing it only takes a little poison to do a whole lotta baddaboom! 487 RP
- Nice work, friends. You done two solids now for me and the family, so you've earned a reward. Stinky cheese? Nah. How abouts you call on ol' Ganster Twitch when you need some muscle? 487 RP

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to cause a bunch of champions some unmitigatible ture damage, if you catch my drift. If you don't, dat means I'm going to severely rough people up for money that they owe me. You'll have from February 8 to February 11 to reap the benefits of our handiwork, so get spendin'.

Katarina, the Sinister Blade - Season 3

Story of Katarina




Giving more points are not recommended for Katarina unless you are going little Tanky Katarina.
Lets go standard Mid masteries 21-9-0

Sometimes, you can go 14-15-1 or 15-14-1 depending on your taste and enemy's champ type.
For example:

Summoner Spells

However, Cleanse can be used when enemy teams got champs such as Fiddlesticks or Cho'Gath.
Also, Teleport can be used for strong ganking. It's been used frequently even in tournaments. In other hand, it sometimes is very useful when enemy teams have champs like Shen, Twisted Fate, or Nocturne.


Passive: Voracity
- Champion kills or assists reduce Katarina's cooldown by 15 seconds.

Bouncing Blades
- Katarina throws a dagger that bounces from enemy to enemy, dealing magic damage 60/95/130/165/200 (+0.45AP) and marking them. Her next spell or basic attack against a marked target will consume the mark and deal additional magic damage 15/30/45/60/75 (+0.15AP).

Sinister Steel
- Katarina whirls her daggers around her, dealing magic damage 40/75/110/145/180 (+0.5AD)(+0.25AP) to all enemies in the area. If she hits an enemy Champion, Katarina gains a burst of speed for a short duration by 15/20/25/30/35%.

- Katarina instantly moves to her target's location and takes reduced damage from enemies for a few seconds. If the target is an enemy, she deals damage 60/85/110/135/160 (+0.5AP).

Death Lotus
- Katarina becomes a flurry of blades, throwing daggers with unrivaled speed at up to three nearby Champions. Daggers deal magic damage (400/500/600(+3.0AD)(+2AP) within 2 seconds) and reduce incoming healing on targets hit.

Skill Build

For me, I usually learn more Q in the beginning (before 7) because it let you farm safer. Also, it's good to deal damage the enemy inside their tower. Then, after 7, I start building W skills. But as I said every time, skill build depends on your experience or enemy's champ type.

Skill tips.

**Smart Cast is recommended for Katarina.
- Using ward for shunpo is essential skill that you want to practice.
  - For example, Lee Sin also use ward to move better.
  - Place a Ward near you and use Shunpo to the Ward.
  - Even it isn't as fast as Flash, but the range is longer.
  - Also, I always buy Ward Stone because you won't have to buy Ward all the time and squander Gold.
- Katarina's ult doesn't show your location to other player, which means if you use ult in bush, they won't see you.


Start Item:

Core Item:

Final Item:

Item Build:

Item Tip.
- Before coming back to home, not only calculate Gold for items but also calculate Gold for portions and Wards.
- In the beginning , Ward isn't for Shunpo but it's more for prevent ganking.
- When playing with Evlynn, Akali, Shaco, or Twitch, buy Vision Ward often.

Attention Players

Because I have created this blog only few days ago, it will take lots of time to make a guide for ALL the Champs. So, if you want to see any specific guide for a champ, please make a comment!! I will definitely will make guides for those first!!
Thank You!!

Amumu, the Sad Mummy (Jungle) - Season 3

Story of Amumu



For the stable jungling, Runes must be based on Armors.
Also, Movement Speed is for quick jungling and ganking.
Whether to choose blue rune as Magic Resist or Armor is depended on what kinds on champs your enemy pick.


Summoner Spells

Smite is THE essential Spell for jungler.


Passive: Cursed Touch
- Amumu's attacks reduce the target's Magic Resistance 15/20/25 (Level 1/7/13) for a short duration.

Bandage Toss
- Amumu tosses a sticky bandage at a target, stunning and damaging 80/140/200/260/320 (+0.7AP) the target while he pulls himself to them.

- Overcome by anguish, nearby enemies lose a percentage of their maximum health each second 1.5/1.8/2.1/2.4/2.7 (+0.01AP)%.

- Passive: Permanently reduces the physical damage Amumu would take 2/4/6/8/10.
- Amumu can unleash his rage, dealing damage 75/100/125/150/175 (+0.5AP) to surrounding enemies. Each time Amumu is hit, the cooldown on tantrum is reduced by 0.5 seconds.

Curse of the Sad Mummy
- Amumu entangles surrounding enemy units in bandages, damaging 150/250/350 (+0.8AP) them and rendering them unable to attack or move.

Skill Build

Low levels usually learn W at level 1 like above. But some 30 level players with full runes sometimes learn E for a faster jungling.


Start Item:

Core Item:

Final Item:

Item Build:

Before game Tips.
- If enemy team has jungler such as Lee Sin, Shyvana, or Shaco, I do not really recommend to pick Amumu. These three champs are strong at counter jungling, which might be especially annoying for Amumu.
-If enemy team has jungler such as Nautilus or Malphite, I recommend to pick Amumu.

Jungle Tips.
- How do you jungle?

Start and Follow the arrow. If your team is capable of leashing, please start with wolves first then blue. Always hunt Red at the end or later.

- There are many people who doesn't understand jungler's ROLE or JOB. Jungling is not a RPG game like you hunt monsters and grow. Junglers have to find lanes that having hard time and gank to keep the game going well for their team. Also, it is necessary to ward at enemy's jungle and locate their jungler all the time.

- Mana managing depends on Amumu's E skill. Which also means that jungling speed depends on how many E skills you use. If HP is high and Mana is low, try to use only W and basic attack. If HP is low and Mana is high, use W and E skills frequently.

- Before learning ult at 6, two ganks would be enough. More ganks would lower your level up speed.

- In the beginning, it is recommended to gank Top and Mid. After 6 with ult on, it is more recommended to gank bottom lane.

- Junglers always need to know the right regen time for monsters. Blue and Red regens after 5 minutes. Dragon is 6 minutes and Baron is 7 minutes.

In Team Fight Tips.
- Amumu's ult is one of the best initiating team fight skills of all champs. Also, not only initiate the fight, to fight more efficiently, attacking their adc dealer after initiating would help your team a lot.
- If flash is on, Flash-R-Q would be much much better than just Q-R.

For Video Guides and Teaching for Amumu, click!!